Saturday, April 17, 2010

Part 2 - Uncle Sam Wants YOU... to Save on Appliances...WHAT??!!! A video "The Dollar Bubble" that explains it all!

If you haven't watched "The Dollar Bubble" produced by the National Inflation Association already, this will be the most important 30 minutes of your life! I posted on March 29, 2010 at:  or you can view at

Once again, I implore you to watch the video. It will help everyone understand what is happening, what we must do to stop it, and how to prepare for "hyper-inflation." Please share the video, the blog, or the other sites for which I have provided a link.

In a nutshell, here are the problems in "The Dollar Bubble:"

1. Cash for appliances... Where do our applicances come from? Aren't most made in China?! (at about 7:28 minutes) Why?

2. Cash for Clunkers was the brainchild of the Chinese... NOT barf or this administration (at 13:00 minutes) Why?

3. $8,000 tax incentive for new home buyers, or "lease to own from Fannie Mae;" these people will get "slaughtered" in the home market... but it signals a "false recovery" (at 13:40 minutes) Why?

4. Bernanke, during his confirmation hearings says, "printing money does not cause inflation." Oh really! (see 17:40 minutes) What!

5. And in the early part of the video, Bernanke cannot answer where half a trillion dollars went... "to two banks somewhere in Europe!" A coincidence?! "No," he responded!

6. "US primary export is inflation!"

7. Movie tickets for $112.00!?

"End value of dollar will be a $0.00;" however, they are worried about the "disorderly decline of the dollar."  Is there really an orderly decline?

"Federal Reserve is nothing but a conterfeiting operation."

What are the consequences for us if we take action? Or what are they if we fail to act... not do a thing?  Watch only if you dare, or only if you care.

All this and more!

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