Sunday, August 29, 2010

8.28 Restoring Honor with Glenn Beck and 500,000 American Patriots

Glenn Beck invited us attend the 8.28 Restoring Honor rally and we went ... by the hundreds of thousands.  Lots of us!  Estimates of the crowds ranged from about 1,000 by the main street liberal media to a more accurate number of about 500,000+.  The day before the rally, people started arriving and staking their claim to a small plot of land they could call their own, reminiscent of Woodstock and the Newport Folk or Jazz Festivals.  People congregated, met, sat, talked, and enjoyed the “being together” and the “being there” in anticipation of the much-publicized 8.28 Restoring Honor rally at the feet of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.

I left on Friday afternoon on a flight that connected with one going from Dallas/Ft. Worth into Washington Regan.  Ball caps with "American Patriot" were plentiful and t-shirts sporting the now familiar logo with the faces of three past presidents, Samuel Adams, George Washington, and Ben Franklin (Faith - Samuel Adams, Hope - George Washington, and Charity - Ben Franklin) and t-shirts with the Restoring Honor logos were everywhere.  "If you love Glenn Beck, you were in Beck heaven!"  Passengers were from Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and, Wichita Falls, TX, and also present was the excitement and anticipation of 9.12.09. They were Constitutional-loving, Beck and Palin supporting, American patriots. They were young, they were old, they were Vets … observers attending a rally to witness a once-in-a-lifetime event.

It was a perfectly clear night as we made our approach to DCA, and the symbols of us, our history, and America, the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument were aglow … gleaming, white, and perfect. We arrived at our hotel and immediately looked for something to eat.  In the lobby we met and visited with an Oath Keeper from NY.  As I did with the OK card from 9.12 last year, I am keeping his card in my wallet. I guess it makes me feel a little bit safer.

As an aside:  Next to the 7-11 was a really nice looking restaurant that advertised steak dinners and other appetizing dishes. We walked half-way in and saw topless dancers with poles getting money stuck into their bikini bottoms! After a quick exit, we found a little hole-in-the-wall with diners standing in line out the door called the Kabob Palace at 2315 S. Eads St., in Arlington, VA (Tel: 703-486-3535). We were game. The little take-out Kabob Palace is open 24-hours a day. Incredible, authentic, flavorful, spicy, and hot (as in chili) charcoal-grilled marinated meats served with rice, a potato and pea vegetable dish, chicken curry, chickpea dish… all were incredible. This little restaurant had a diverse and dedicated clientele.

Finally went to sleep at 3:45 AM, and I set my alarm for 5:00 AM. I had planned to meet friends; Bill from NY, Laurie from Texas, Julie and Bridgette from CA, and Beth from Florida; however, when we arrived at 6:10 AM, the areas by the reflection pool had already been claimed and people were arriving literally by the hundreds, from every direction each and every minute.  Most of DC is closed on the weekends, and the only concession stand selling coffee near the Memorial had a line about 50 yards long.  After waiting for 20 minutes and having moved only 10 yards, and being the impatient person that I am, I decided to forgo the coffee. (or should the past tense be “forwent?)” Once you were in one area, the area was basically contained.  It was difficult to move from one area to another, let alone to go to the other side of the Reflection Pool.  When we found a group of friends from the Sons of Liberty Riders, and given the difficulty of moving about, we stayed put.

The security was intense and very visible.  The police were good-natured and “hanging loose,” and one  police officer barking orders at some people was the exception, not the rule.  We assumed he didn’t get the memo!  The entire area surrounding the Reflection Pool was wall-to-wall people. The attendees were a friendly and happy group, thankful to be among like-minded patriots, together at a place where the name Glenn Beck does not evoke bitter vitriol nor stir a barrage of obscenities.  Per Glenn’s request, there were no signs of any kind at the rally, just an assortment of patriotic or American flags. This was not going to be a political rally.  Time passed quickly and soon, images appeared on the massive projector vuetrons and music streamed from the huge speakers strategically placed on either side of the Mall between the Memorial and the Monument.  As the music played over the massive loudspeaker system, who can forget the "flyover" by the geese in perfect "V" formation for the entire length of the Reflection Pool, from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial?!  The view from one side of the Reflection Pool: and then from  the other:

And then Glenn arrived on stage. He, his personality, his voice, his presence, and his energy filled the Mall and more than certainly filled up DC and beyond!  And, he, and everyone else in attendance, choked up a little, as he uttered the words, “Build it, and they will come!” I believe he was genuinely pleased and grateful to to each and every one of us for attending.

Glenn’s message was clear, as he cleverly referenced and meshed the state of America, our economy, and lack of heroes, with our emptiness and lack of faith. Without lessening the message of God, our wounded warriors, or of Martin Luther King, Jr., Beck said, “God is at the heart of the foundation of America and we need to restore Honor in our individual lives if we are to restore Honor to our Nation. This is not a threat to the King legacy. This is the King legacy.”  And he reminded us that “Abraham Lincoln does not belong to white people and Martin Luther King, Jr. does not belong to black people.”

The three Merit Award recipients were presented medals:

Faith:  Pastor Charles Lewis “C.L.” Jackson from Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Houston, Texas;
Hope:  Baseball great Albert Pujols received the merit award for his foundation,; and
Charity:  Jon M. Huntsman,

Glenn spoke of our lack of heroes. He spoke of the Special Operations Wounded Warrior Project, for those who do the hard job and either don’t return or return severely wounded. It is America’s promise, our solemn pact with our special forces … that we will take care of them and/or their loved ones should something happen to them in combat.

And then Beck introduced Sarah Palin. Sarah was not there as a politician or most dearly-loved or most hated woman in America, but as a mother of a combat veteran. She defies politics. She is a warm person and an explosive and eloquent speaker. She introduced wounded warriors and acknowledged their bravery, heroism, and selflessness, all of whom were wounded defending our freedoms.

King’s niece, Alveda King spoke, and in my opinion, the rally lost its cohesion and focus. Alveda King quoted MLK,Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech saying, "I have a dream that America will repent of their sin of racism and return to honor," and then added, “I have a dream that 'white privilege' will become human privilege...” I think although directly quoted, this was off-script from Beck’s message of looking forward, not back. Political correctness may have further clouded his message when he introduced American Indians, rabbis, priests, and ministers and then was joined by 240 ministers, pastors, and religious leaders from all faiths to stand on stage with him as his "new black-robed regiment." And finally, some gospel singing and music caused many to lose interest. If one were standing in an air conditioned space, it might have been different, but it was just too hot and the day was extremely long. But I did think it was pretty funny to see all the “white dudes” trying to clap their hands and move “soulfully!” It just didn’t quite happen for me!! At this point, some attendees started to leave.

Glenn is a spellbinding storyteller.  He is so capable, and he masterfully takes one on a journey, explaining the many different parts and then, visually, carefully, and expertly he brings them all together, the whole, the complete story, in a picture, clearly, concisely, and in its entirety.  There are never any loose ends, but one is always left with that unspoken, very subtle, almost subliminal message … the invitation from him, no, the command by him, for us to do more … to find out more.

8.28 Restoring Honor rally was more like attending a “revival church meeting” or an “evangelical church service.”  While it may have been the unrelenting sun in an almost cloudless sky, or the standing for 6 hours, some attendees grew weary.  The police officers were kept busy, not by angry, hateful mobs spewing acrimonious words or inciting violence, but from people who succumbed to the heat. Water bottles were constantly being distributed by workers to the parched crowds, but even the ice in the containers used to chill the water yielded to the temperature.

In the end, I believe in Glenn Beck. I believe that Glenn Beck has America’s best interest at heart.  I believe that Glenn Beck is an amazing patriot.  I believe that Glenn Beck is a good and honest man.
Not too long ago, a group of patriots, Beck devotees, presented him with an authentic replica of the Paul Revere lantern that was in the belfry of the Old North Church with a quote etched in a plaque on its base:

"'I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.'
                                                                                                             George Washington

With our heartfelt thanks for being a beacon of truth and for being an honest and honorable man ..."

I left DC yesterday evening and arrived home late last night.  More than ever, I am convinced that Glenn Beck is a good and honest man, our modern day Paul Revere, spreading the news “The[y]… are coming!” and he is the best weapon America against those who want to hijack our Constitution, to subvert our freedom, and to destroy the United States of America.  He has spoken the truth.  He has challenged us to learn more. He has forced people to think.  He has awakened the citizenry from a coma.  He has helped us know that WE ARE NOT ALONE.  He has instilled the words of our Founding Fathers and forced us to learn about the men whose vision is the United States of America.  More importantly, Glenn has taught America to: (a) question with boldness; (b) hold to the truth; and (c) speak without fear.[1]

Glenn Beck invited us and we went.  When Glenn Beck calls again, we will answer.

What we saw at the Glenn Beck Rally:
The Mall after the Glenn Beck Rally:   Compared to the "wasteland" after barf's inauguration:

You decide!

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