Sunday, March 27, 2011

Is this Shirley Sherrod all over again? Is it just me or do you have the feeling of déjà vu?

“Live Free or Die,
Death is Not the Worst of Evils.”
      General John Stark

I feel as if it’s Shirley Sherrod all over again! Is it just me or do you have the feeling of déjà vu? Do you remember my blog on July 22, 2010, “AMERICA ... You should be ashamed of yourselves!!! They say that one gets the government one deserves. Is this what you really want?!“
Our country’s actual unemployment is actually way above 10%, but no one is paying attention. After all, Geraldine Ferraro died today.

Having lost my mother less than two months ago, I am not trying to diminish Ferraro's passing; however, let’s get real here. She was a liberal running mate on the losing side of a really failed presidential bid with that guy, you know … what’s his name, Walter something or other … Walter who?

So, at the risk of being criticized, let’s look at the state of the USA.

Our budget fix expires in less than two weeks, and our Congress is out on a much needed break, after all, they’ve been on the job for just under 3 months, but, no matter, Geraldine Ferraro died today.

Gas is at a record high, Barfo‘s administration granted the first drilling permit since the BP oil spill to drill a deepwater well.  A nebulous amount, $3-5 billion is being given to Brazil, to drill a "deep water" well. If it's right and not environmentally dangerous for Brazil, why is this administration so adamantly opposed to drilling in our Gulf/in the US? ... Drilling that would directly impact and improve OUR economy. Why has this administration issued only one (1), I repeat ONLY 1, permit to drill in the Gulf. What interest is Brazil going to pay on this loan? And to whom? Will the American people ever see the money? Ah, no! China owns more and more of us. Better start learning Mandarin! But, never you mind ... Geraldine Ferraro died today.

Barfo wants to add not only a Value Added Tax, commonly referred to as a VAT, to the already existing gas tax, but they want to tax the miles you drive, but no worries, Geraldine Ferraro died today.

Our police officers are being targeted and murdered at an alarmingly increasing rate, but nothing on this topic in the news because Geraldine Ferraro died today.

Our army is stretched thinly in another front, as the taxpayers are being stretched in their pocketbooks, but no real mention because Geraldine Ferraro died today.

We have no reports about how many of our brave men and women are coming home in a flag-draped coffin, but news abounds about the death of Geraldine Ferraro.

Incandescent lights have been banned and will not be produced in exchange for a poisonous dangerous compact fluorescent lighting that is toxic and more dangerous to the environment. Would this have anything to do with GE’s $5 billion profit while not paying one penny in tax? Where is the news on this one? Oh, that’s right, Geraldine Ferraro died today.

And then there is Mrs. Mobo McVomit , a lawyer without a law license, and without a stick of nutrition or dietician training dictating to America what to eat. Pretty soon, we will be told how much we can excrete or expel. The pooh and pee police aren’t far behind, but I wouldn’t worry about it because Geraldine Ferraro died today.

Left-leaning Geraldine Ferraro rose from nothing to become a state representative and potential VP position showing that anything is possible in America, but wait a minute here. Didn’t Boehner and Clinton and McVomit overcome single parent households and/or humble beginnings and achieve the American Dream, but heck, let’s not look at that because Geraldine Ferraro died today.

We are in a war wherein the “rag tag rebels” in Libya are no match for the well-equipped Qaddafi army. Excuse me, but I recall a bunch of rag tag farmers with pitchforks who beat a well-equipped, and arguably the best army in the world at that time, the Brits. Yes, it was we, and our thirst for freedom that allowed these rag tag “rebel ancestors” to prevail. But no worries or analogies, Geraldine Ferraro died today.

Our money is becoming, excuse me, has become worthless, we cannot afford to put gas in our cars, and soon, we will not be able to put food on the table, but no worries, Geraldine Ferraro died today.

And don’t forget, that even those people who might be able to put food on the table and share their food with neighbors, relatives, and friends are now prevented from doing so with the passage of SB 510, The Food Modernization Act, but let’s not remind the public about that because Geraldine Ferraro died today.

Water is now under the control of our government. The thugs in DC control our energy, our air, our water, our housing, our banks, our financial markets, our healthcare, and even three Tylenol manufacturing facilities, and we are talking about the fact Geraldine Ferraro died today.

Why is this press not speaking about the men who are literally risking their lives to save Japan from radiation coming from the reactors, men who will face a terrible and painful death from radiation poisoning? Because Geraldine Ferraro died today?

Why is the press inaccurately saying workers have tested positive for radiation, but they show no signs of being sick. Dummies, it takes time to show the effects of radiation poisoning, but it’s not important to be accurate because, after all, Geraldine Ferraro died today.

Geraldine Ferraro was part of this country's problem ... our problem. She was a liberal representative from New York who believed in “social justice.” She isn’t worth days of pundits extolling her virtues and speaking about her as being a giant. Most would say, “Geraldine who?” Our Republic is crumbling, the world is on fire, and our security is being threatened on all our borders, so why the hell are we talking about Geraldine Ferraro dying today?  She may be best known for her time on Fox News, but she did not influence a generation of women, and certainly not Republican or conservative women. I question the quality of the weekend journalists. And enough of Greta! A one-hour special on … guess who?  Geraldine Ferraro. There goes another three days of television.

So Barfo will interrupt primetime television yet again, to try to “explain” his actions to the "stupid American people" … one more time because we just aren’t understanding his message; he didn't explain it well enough. Ron Paul said it best, "The president is violating our Constitution by getting approval from the United Nations instead of getting approval from the US Congress, representatives elected by the people."[1]  But no one is paying attention because a liberal Democrat woman who supported social justice, Geraldine Ferraro, died today.

[1] Someone else agrees: 

1 comment:

  1. You're right. The mainstream media is feeding us entertainment, trivia and half truths. They avoid difficult topics and hard news. Our media for the most part is totally obsolete. The stories they choose for us to view are simply distractions. It's no wonder their viewership and readership are down.

    Personally, I'm better informed with no TV service and no newspapers. And at least I don't have to watch our "president" try to explain his current unconstitutional fiasco.
