Monday, April 11, 2011

Whoooaaa! Wait a minute here. Exactly what is going on with this "kinetic military activity" and what is its cost to the American people?

While Muammar Gadhafi remains the leader?  Even when the US stands down, and NATO (of which we fund approximately 25%)[1], is still involved.  Even when the United States isn't in this kinetic military activity, isn't the United States STILL involved even when this administration tells us we are not?

In the New York Times article: African Leaders Urge Cease-Fire in Libya[2].  And why are AFRICAN leaders are negotiating a "cease-fire?!" with Gadhafi?!  Authorized by whom?  And why is Africa moving to the forefront?  Ah, yes, we need to buy their "air!!"  The re-distribution of wealth!

And since Gadhafi butchered people under the last "cease-fire,"[3] who trusts him?  Not the rebels, and correctly so, and not I.  Do you?  According to Ben Hubbard in his Associated Press article, "Libya forces shell rebel-held city amid truce push."[4].

Is the cost $40 million a day or $40 million a month?[5]  Or $600 million a week as reported by ABC?[6]  As usual, the numbers are a little murky; subject to this administration's convoluted and obfuscated math.  So what's the actual number?  We have a right to know.

As this administration: (a) is totally unaccountable to Congress or the people; (b) continues to act unilaterally by making unilateral decisions with severe consequences to the American people; (c) continues to make Congress and the people irrelevant; (d) mocks and vilifies the people who actually pay for his decisions; and (e) continues to do the will of the UN, NATO, and the world while all the time ignoring its citizens, we fall deeper and deeper into a hole from which we may never be able to emerge.

Libyans are sitting on oil, so why haven't they pledged to repay NATO, collectively, and the United States, individually?  Why don't they assume some of the costs relating to obtaining their freedom?  Who helped the Americans on their bid for freedom during the Revolutionary War?

Gas prices hit $4.95 in some cities ... so I'm going to go out on a limb and round it off to $5.00 per gallon because by the time this blog is posted ... it will cost $5.00 per gallon!  Are you angry yet?  Gas sales are down according to FOX today.  Because Americans cannot afford to put gas in their cars, stupid!

"While France Bans Face-Covering Islamic Veil" [7], this county moves dangerously closer to a confrontation between and among radical religious groups that directly oppose and/or mock our sense of morality, our sense of honor, our sense of respect, and our incredible history of tolerance.


[7] [


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