not talking about the terrorist attacks. Those are simply part of the final
phase. The overthrow of America has been going on for decades. If someone tried
to collapse the United States overnight, of course the American people would
revolt. That’s why it had to be done slowly, quietly. It has been aided from
both the outside and the inside. All the massive problems besetting your
nation, all of the economic, political and social turmoil, hasn’t suddenly
picked up speed by accident. It is all by design and it all has a singular,
overriding purpose.[2]
You don’t have to look for anything … [i]t’s already here. It’s all around you.
You’ve been looking right at it for years without knowing. You still have your
name. You still have your flag. You still believe you have your freedoms,
though in reality they have been slowly siphoned away. You still believe you
have a Republic when, day-by-day, what you are being left with is merely the
illusion of a Republic. Your entire house, as it were, has been rebuilt one
brick at a time and no one has even noticed. No one has done a single thing
about it.[3]
When does fiction mimic reality? Or when does fiction speak
the truth? I finished reading this
“travel” book the night before SCOTUS rendered its decision, and I had an
I heard the actual news alert the next day, that knot in my stomach that
started the night before, got bigger.
59 of 92 laws in hellcare have
already been enacted. And even if the newly elected representatives have the
balls to repeal this heinous law, will they repeal the insidious taxes
contained therein and the laws that impact taxpaying citizens right now and
then in the future? Again, methinks not. This
is a parasitic relationship, and we the people are the host. Parasitism is
defined by:
A ... relationship ... in which one organism, the
parasite, lives off of another organism, the host, harming it and possibly
causing death. The parasite lives on or in the body of the host.
This government will bleed us dry and watch as we crawl and
then wither. For what? For its survival and for CONTROL AND POWER.
I am here watching a socialist medical program up close and personal. A doctor refused to diagnose a child with a highly contagious disease. Why? Because of the paperwork associated with the correct diagnosis. “Come back in 5 days if the child is not better!” Of course they will be better in 5 days; that or he will be dead!
So quietly we continue to work within the system. Realistically, can we succeed? Is our Republic real? Or is it simply and illusion of a Republic we once knew?
[1] http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/John_Adams/
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