Saturday, April 3, 2010

Welcome to A Patriot Rant...

I am guilty! I am as guilty as the next person of being in a coma-like slumber for years, unaware, maybe not caring enough, or believing that nothing could happen, as our liberties and freedoms were being eroded, ever so slowly, hijacked, stripped away imperceptibly, incrementally, and not by masked bad guys or hooded terrorists, but by the sly, sneaky, well-dressed politicians in custom-made Oxford suits and Hermes ties and all with not a hair out of place. Our politicians were well-spoken, Ivy League-educated, and brilliantly articulate. What wonderful people we elected to represent us, and we were so proud.


ALERT!!! Wake up America, things are never what they seem. This is especially more true now than ever before in the history of this great Republic. I live in Texas, and am Texas-proud, but first and foremost, I am an American Patriot.

While events are happening across the nation at break-neck speed, I hope to share important articles for you to read, videos that are significant in content, and more importantly, to try to connect the dots and to figure out and understand how all the events are related to each other because they are. I hope you will trust this blog spot as a valuable resource for information on significant issues and events.

Information will be re-posted from other sites and will not be my work product or intellectual property; however, the opinions expressed, based on this information, will be mine. I will always be honest and give appropriate credit to the people or sources of information by providing the links for verification. If I were to misstate or post inaccurate information, I will call my error to your attention to it as soon as I am made aware of it. I will never intentionally misstate a fact ... Emotionally, yes. Inaccurately, hopefully not. I welcome disagreement and dialogue and will always listen to an opposing opinion or point of view; provided, however, that you act respectfully to me and to all participants on the site and please avoid using profanity.

Some articles may be long and will contain many links, while others will be brief and to the point. Please take the time to read the articles and follow the links. Only then can one be sufficiently armed with information and facts to fight this battle of ideologies and the war of words. They snuck into our families, our lives, and our businesses, unobtrusively, before we realized they were here. Now, the "in your face" big government is here, in our healthcare, and in our lives with the single purpose of establishing a New World Order; enslavement of the masses, redistribution of wealth among earth's inhabitants, and an unimaginable money and power grab for those in charge. They are here. It is happening. Together we try to will figure out who "they" are and what "they" are doing. What is their endgame?

I hope you find the information helpful, informative, and enlightening. I welcome your comments and encourage you to share important and newsworthy information with me. I will start with some of the more recent posts; everything that is happening now is related to what has transpired previously. This is a well-choreographed takeover by progressive liberals that has been planned for decades. This is not what our Founding Fathers envisioned for us and for this Republic.

So, I ask for your indulgence and patience as I get this blog up and running efficiently. Our battle will be in November 2010 at which time we will elect fiscally conservative candidates who will repeal and defund Executive Orders, bills, laws, and regulations passed by ALL presidents and congresses that: (a) are not in the best interest of the American people; and (b) violate The Constitution of the United States, and who will reduce the size and scope of the federal government. This will be a long and difficult battle, but one I believe that America is ready to wage. I further believe that Americans will willingly make the requisite sacrifices to ensure the future success of this Republic and witness her return to greatness.

I am excited as we embark on this journey together.

God bless America!

A Patriot Rant

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