Sunday, May 16, 2010

Red Rover, Red Rover…

will all American Patriots please come over?

Does anyone remember the childhood game, Red Rover? In this game, children form two opposing lines and hold hands tightly to prevent a person from the opposing team from "breaking through" their line.

I am sure you are wondering what this has to do with the price of meatballs at the corner store. But no, I haven’t lost it … not yet anyway! This is another perfect analogy to explain what is happening and what we must do … all of us … together ... to save our country.

In the game Red Rover, children divide up into two teams, form two lines, hold hands, and face each other.  One side calls the name of a person from the opposing side yelling: "Red Rover, Red Rover, send [child's name] right over."  The child whose name was called must drop his teammates’ hands and rush headlong into the other line.  His only goal is to break through the opposing line by overpowering the opposing team members. In order to be successful, the child must look for the weakest link; the grip or handhold that is the weakest.

If the child were able to break through the defense line, he chooses one person from the “losing” team to join his team. Both children return to the “victor’s line.” The net result is that one team is up one person, while the other team is down one person. This process is repeated over and over and over again until only one person is left; a person left standing alone with no other hand onto which he or she can hold. The lone child, by default, becomes part of the “winning team.”

But a strange thing happens in this game; since every child is on the winning team, theoretically, there is no losing team … or is there?

American citizens are embroiled in a “high-stakes” game of Red Rover and our freedom is the prize. Just like in Red Rover, there are two teams. One team will be absorbed into the other team ... the winning team. Somehow, that just doesn't feel right.

The first team, American Patriot, is armed and backed by The Constitution of the United States of America. Team Patriot is made up of several strong groups. These members have a strong hold on the hands of their own members; however, the grips or handholds between and among the Team Patriot groups are linked weakly to each other. If they are not strengthened, the other team will find and exploit these weaknesses.

The second team, Team Thugs, is made up of big, strong, progressive, socialist, Marxist, SEIU-type bullies and are all acting as “one.” They are all holding on tightly to each other and will employ any tactic, whether legal and/or part of the rules or not, to break Team Patriot’s line while never allowing a Team Patriot member to breach its line.

So what is our strategy? The groups that make up Team Patriot must hold hands tightly with other groups. If they cannot put their differences aside and work together effectively, Team Thugs will break through the line until there is only one Team Patriot standing and announce that everyone is a winner and that there were no losers. Can you see the net result of not uniting and working together to form ONE STRONG LINE; holding onto each other tightly as if your lives depended on it just until the game is over?

How many patriot groups are there? There are hundreds, or literally thousands: PatriotNet, PatriotSpace, Sons of Liberty Riders, American Liberty Riders, Well Regulated American Militias, ResistNet, 9.12 Project groups, American Justice League, Senate Conservative Committee, Glenn Beck Groups, and the numerous groups supporting Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, and Libertarian candidates. How do we unify and combine patriot efforts, energy, and resources for a common purpose? How do we get people to make the effort now for a game of Red Rover that we will play sometime in the near future? How do we prepare to play this game to win?

Patriot Call at was the first unsuccessful effort to create a site on which all patriot groups could unite under one umbrella. Because our country is vast, and the groups were spread so thin, the goal was to enable groups to fortify each other by sharing information and encourage members support other groups. Since many patriots are members of more than one patriot group, this seemed like a good idea, but it wasn’t. The individual groups stayed together, but neglected to:  (a) reach out to other groups; (b) support events of other groups; and (c) unite nationally. Instead, egos were involved and group leaders pushed their own group’s agenda. So how does one form the stronger team bound only by the commonality of our faith in the vision of the Founding Fathers that we have certain inalienable rights that are God-given, and may not be granted or withheld by out-of-control state and federal governments or politicians who are out of touch with America?  Do we try to resurrect this or can someone offer a better suggestion?  We are running out of time.

I choose to begin strategizing between and among the groups of Team Patriot. Stagger shortest next to the tallest, the weakest next to the strongest, and so on without regard to anything else. It is better to be prepared two months before we are challenged to play the game, Red Rover, than to scramble the day of the game, or even worse yet, to realize the day after, that we were not prepared and, as a consequence, lost the biggest game in our nation’s history. Who wins and who loses determines the fate of our Republic.

"We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."
                                                                                      Benjamin Franklin

1 comment:

  1. I agree with all you said. The Left has also been well organized, our sidehas so many factions, it is hard to keep up with them. We need not so many but a few that we all can gather at and throw our ideas together and figure this out. Our side is losing the game Red Rover. The left knows our weakness in the game, they see we have so many weak links, so many hands holding onto each other, our problem is that with so many hands, we have so many weak points.
    I see our side complain so much, get angry so much, yet I don't see any action. Hell, I don't even see our side flying the Stars and Stripes at the residences. If we are to petty to even fly our flag to show unity, then we do not have the strength or courage to fight. I have so many ideas on what we need to do, as you do as well, as alot of us, but our ideas are lost because we have so many sites, our ideas get lost and not heard. I always say, our anger won't really show until the Government goes after ESPN, Fatasy Football, and more. We can not make a choice and that choice is..Country or personal life. That choice has come because we lived a personal life of apthy in the past and this is why we are here today. Our schools are lost, yet today we can not figure out how to attack our schools or what needs to be done to get them back. yes many say the schools are lost, if so, we better find another way around our schools or we will never win. We can elect a whole new congress in November, but if we elect them and go back to our apathetic lives as i fear we will, the left will still be attacking. They never sleep, we sleep and forget. The is one problem to I believe our side has and to me in the game Red Rover, the left will go to any extreme to win the game. To break the line, they will even throw a punch to break threw, our side will call foul and quit and mope. What I am saying, our side will not take the extreme to fight back if comes down to that and I fear the tactics we are using, that day will come where we might have to fight back and to me, we don't have the courage or guts. If we can't fight back since we are losing now because we don't know how to handle this, to me the outcome will be......
    The winner of Red Rover...THE LEFT

    Robert Wiles
